Some days back while in a friend’s room, I saw a poster of Muhammad Ali “The Greatest” on his wall.
Then it got me thinking what greatness is?
People have come to attach greatness to grandiose acts.
Thus, fear to reach out for greatness.
Muhammad Ali, Bob Marley, or Denzel Washington isn’t great because of one fight, one song, or a movie role.
Just as Little grains of sand make up the desert,
little drops of water make up the ocean,
so also little great acts make up greatness,
The ticking seconds makes the minutes,
The minutes make hours,
The hours make the days,
The days make the weeks,
The weeks make the month,
The months make the year,
and the years make up a lifetime
A genuine smile at the doorman,
A sincere apology to an offended party.
An honest thank you,
Alms, accompanied by a genuine smile,
The extra efforts spent to achieve your goal
these are little acts, that sum up to greatness.
But then it’s only natural to think greatness is made up of grandiose acts,
A wise man once said, “the best way to conquer a big task is to divide it into bits.”
The same applies to greatness.
You are not great by one singular act,
what connotes greatness is the summation of these little great acts.
Dare to be great!!